ProNitro® N-coating gives grass seed a head start

Give your seeds a nutritional head start with a coating of ProNitro®, the mixture of slow and fast-release nitrogen. No need for fertiliser the first month because each seed comes with its own packed lunch of nitrogen.


ProNitro® boosts grass growth and milk yields

ProNitro® is a grass-seed coating offering a unique combination of fast and slow-release nitrogen. Because the nitrogen is wrapped around each seed in an easily accessible format, the germinating seed can tap into it straight away. Blades of grass emerge sooner and more densely. You give your sward a head start that leads to increased forage and milk yields.

ProNitro® combines seeding and fertilising in a single pass. All the nitrogen your grass seed needs for fast establishment comes ready-wrapped around the seed.

• Coating increases seed weight by 50%

• Nitrogen accounts for 10% of seed weight

ProNitro® is proven to improve grass growth

ProNitro® has proven itself through numerous tests and trials. Emergence and grass density are improved; forage yields can be anything from 5% to 20% higher in the first year.

• Better early growth from stronger plants with 30% longer roots, improved stress-tolerance, and an average of 30% more viable plants.

• More efficient use of nutrients with fertiliser applied directly to the root zone.

• Bigger and heavier seed provides better contact with soil surface.

• Feeds the seed only, not weeds or surrounding grass.

ProNitro® trials

UK, Lincolnshire, Scarborough

Soil type: organic matter content >7%.

Seed mixture: 50/50 diploid and tetraploid perennial ryegrass

Sowing date: 9 September 2014

We examined the trial field three times until 28 October. On all three occasions the ProNitro® strips were a darker green than the control strips. Four weeks after sowing, the ProNitro® density was 4,6 compared to a control density of just 4,2.

The Netherlands: Landhorst

Seed mixture: 50/50 diploid and tetraploid perennial ryegrass

Sowing date: 18 October 2014

Two weeks after sowing, ProNitro® seedlings were taller and darker than the control. The effect was visible all the way through till the final field assessment undertaken five weeks after sowing.

The following spring the height of the ProNitro® plants was more uniform than the control. The denser sward also suppressed Poa annua infestation, measured in May 2015 at just 5% in the ProNitro® strips compared to 10% in the control.