Another season of promise for the grass seed industry

Our seed breeders never stand still. With each new season comes a fresh round of improved varieties. The future of our industry and the growth of our shared business depends on their tireless work.


For the coming 2016/17 planting season, we are delighted to offer ten new varieties of commercial seed.

Five new forage varieties

  • White clover RABBANI with very good winter-hardiness and persistence.
  • Perennial ryegrass KERRY with very high total yield and high WSC %.
  • Tall fescue NINKOKO with very high dry matter yield and softer leaves.
  • Festulolium FOJTAN is grazing tolerant with high yield and persistency.
  • Westerwoldicum LOGICS with a persistence close to Italian ryegrass.

Five new turf varieties

  • Tall fescue JAMBOREE with excellent visual merit and slow growing.
  • Tall fescue FATCAT with aggressive tillering and high wear tolerance.
  • Red fescue commutate CALDRIS – top of the list in Scandinavia.
  • Red fescue commutate SISKIN – no. 1 on the UK lawn list, with highest shoot density.
  • Red fescue trichophylla ARCHIBAL with good overall qualities.

To find out what is coming in your market, talk to your local DLF representative.