Lyside rape is a breeding breakthrough 

Lyside is the world's first white-flowering triple-low oilseed rape. Oilseed rape is an excellent crop used in rotation with cereals – especially if you choose a white-flowering variety such as Lyside. White flowers mean low tannin levels and a milder flavour in the oil. The flowers also attract fewer pollen beetles, which means they need less pesticides.

Lyside is a breeding breakthrough. It gives a high seed yield and a high content of oil and protein. It's also low in three undesirable features of rape: low in euric acids, low in glucosiniolates, and low in tannin. It's the world's first white-flowering variety to be low in all three aspects.

Spring oilseed rape

Lyside: white-flowering variety, top-quality feed and oil.

Oilseed rape