Improve your turf with overseeding

Existing turf can be improved by overseeding. Follow our step-by-step guide on how to overseed your turf:

  • Prepare the existing turf by cutting and removing excess thatch
  • Limit irrigation and fertilisation prior to overseeding
  • Choose the best seed mixture for your purpose
  • Consider Professional Seed Technology® enhancements to give the new seed a competitive advantage
  • Seeding rate / sowing rate: Checkout specific product information sheets for the species/seed mixtures (hyperlink)
  • For seeding rate, see the product information sheets for your species/seed mixture  – typical overseeding rates are 5 to 60 g/m² depending on frequency and purpose
  • Use a disc seeder or a studded roller seeder for the best results – broadcasting is less efficient if the existing turf is dense or vigorous, and when the ground is dry
  • Cut the old grass to lower than normal height just before or in the first 2 to 3 days after overseeding – if the seed was broadcast, don't cut immediately after overseeding
  • The frequency of overseeding depends on availability of machinery and staff – as infrequently as once a year or as often as once a month during the growing season (ideally combined with verticutting/topdressing)

Grasses for professional overseeding

Perennial ryegrass and the advanced 4turf® Perennial ryegrass varieties
For special conditions, Quickston annual ryegrass is an option – it will move on to leave space for traditional species.

Grass mixtures for professional overseeding

For an annual maintenance overseeding, try sowing the same seed mixture used for establishment if it contains a high proportion of easy/fast establishing species
In most cases our dedicated repair/overseeding mixtures will produce a better result.

Overseeding of warm-season grasses such as Bermuda: This is a special case because you're not aiming to replace the existing grass, but to compensate for the winter dormancy of the warm-season grass. 100% Perennial ryegrass is a popular specie for overseeding of warm-season grasses, but other options exist.