Trifolium pratense

Red clover

Outstanding high yielding, disease resistant and persistent

Yield and persistency
Pavo is very persistant and is high yielding compared to all other diploids.

Disease Resistant
Pavo is remarquably resistant to several important diseases.

Early-Intermediate flowering
Pavo is rather early in growth start and flowering time.
Earliness in the table below:

The first figure is the month (e.g. 5 for May) and the second the week of the month, and the letters a,b - whether it is the first or last half of the week in Swiss conditions.

  • Very high yielding diploid variety
  • Top resistance to Oïdium
  • Very persistant
  • Earliness: Early-Intermediate


Scale 1-9, where 9 = best or most pronounced

Salt tolerance
Winter hardiness
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