Lolium perenne

Perennial ryegrass

A High Kicking Variety for the World's Stage!

Show-Stopping Ground Cover
CANCAN is a later maturing variety within the late group. The variety has very good ground cover essential to prevent poaching and subsequent sward damage. CANCAN is very winterhardy and has good disease resistance to ensure long term, sustained performance for both management regimes.

Spring and Summer Production
CANCAN has very good spring growth despite late heading and high summer yields (particularly in the late summer). Annual grazing yields are high and under conservation management, CANCAN does particularly well in the second and third harvest years. CANCAN prolongs grazing potential and is particularly useful in situations where long-term performance is desired.

  • Very late heading
  • Very good ground cover
  • High stable yielding
  • Very persistent


Scale 1-9, where 9 = best or most pronounced

Ground cover
Rust tolerance
Salt tolerance
Winter hardiness
Spring growth
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