Lolium perenne

Perennial ryegrass

61 days spring window....The Grazing Variety

Taylored for grazing
BOVINI more than qualifies for the label:
                    "Grazing variety"

Window wide open
A large window in spring where the forage quality remains at a high level. 61 days!  Two months of easy grassland management.

Mainly vegetative and very few stems
In the period following the main heading, there is no significant stem production in BOVINI.
Result: Palatability and forage quality!

Healthy leaves & shoots
During summer and autumn, when rust attacks are frequent, BOVINI will stay green and healthy.  Once again an ingredient to preserve palatability and quality of the forage.

  • Very few stems in regrowth
  • Large spring window - important for a late variety
  • Excellent rust resistance
  • Good yield distribution


Scale 1-9, where 9 = best or most pronounced

Ground cover
Rust tolerance
Salt tolerance
Winter hardiness
Spring growth
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