Lolium perenne

Perennial ryegrass

Here plays the music for grazing and yield

Very early diploid variety
GENESIS represents an improved disease resistance in combination with good groundcover and a high yield which is comparable with top yielding 4n varieties of the same heading group.

High season yield
GENESIS starts early in spring with top early grazing scores in UK, increases the productivity over the whole growing season and harvests a top 8 score for later cuts at BSA Germany. GENESIS in a mixture is a backup for yield in years where the first cut is low in terms of mass due to spring drought. In a dry period, GENESIS can play its card and provide quality and yield during the summer month.

GENESIS is specially recommended as mixture partner for early mixtures and in combination with high first cut varieties. Due to the top yields over the season, GENESIS is the very best partner for high yielding pasture mixtures for dairy farms where an early silage cut is taken.

  • Very early heading group
  • Improvement in disease resistance
  • Very high seasonal yield
  • Good ground cover


Scale 1-9, where 9 = best or most pronounced

Ground cover
Rust tolerance
Salt tolerance
Winter hardiness
Spring growth
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