Lolium multiflorum

Italian ryegrass

Healthy leafy forage

Very high rust tolerance

YOLANDE has proven very rust tolerant in the official French trials with a score at top level competing even with the best tetraploids.

The tolerance to Xanthomonas and Drechslera leaf spot is also good.

Leafy forage

YOLANDE has very few stems in the sowing year, making it a true "Italian" with also a limited aftermath heading the following year.

The leafy growth enables conservation or grazing with better forage quality.

High yielding

Despite the limited stem formation, YOLANDE produces high quantities of dry matter. 

The excellent quality ensures the best animal performance.

  • Very high rust tolerance
  • Very few stems in the sowing year
  • Fewer stems in aftermath heading
  • High yield of dry matter


Scale 1-9, where 9 = best or most pronounced

Rust tolerance
Salt tolerance
Spring growth
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