Lolium westerwoldicum

Westerwold/annual ryegrass

Multi-Cut Type with Persistency 6-18 Months

Good Quality
CLIPPER is a tetraploid variety with a very fast establishment and medium to late heading. The high leaf/stem ratio of CLIPPER provides a highly digestible green material with a high palatability. This characteristic is a guaranty for a high quality fodder.

The high level of sugar ensures a safe conservation of the crop by ensiling and underlines the quality of this variety.

High Yields
CLIPPER has also a very high production of dry matter, even in the first cut. So, together with the quality aspect the use of CLIPPER is very economic. High quality + high yields = high profit.

Healthy Feed
The third important characteristic besides quality and yield is a good resistance to diseases. CLIPPER also provides this character and thereby supplies a healthy feed.

  • Quick establishment
  • Fast production
  • High yields
  • Good quality


Scale 1-9, where 9 = best or most pronounced

Rust tolerance
Spring growth
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