Lolium westerwoldicum

Westerwold/annual ryegrass

Fast Establishment and Good Disease Resistance

Production Cycle

AVANCE has a medium to high production of dry matter in the first cut, followed by a high production in the following cuts. Stem formation takes places in the year of sowing.

Resistance to Diseases

AVANCE has a good resistance to diseases like rust, thereby supplying healthy forage.

Forage Qualities

The high leaf/stem ratio of AVANCE provides a highly digestible green material with a high palatability. The resistance to lodging is good, which also secures a clean harvest without soil contamination.

  • High production
  • High resistance to diseases
  • Good forage quality
  • Fastest production of forage


Scale 1-9, where 9 = best or most pronounced

Rust tolerance
Spring growth
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