Lolium westerwoldicum

Westerwold/annual ryegrass

Annual ryegrass with exciting high dry matter yield

1 or 2 cuts top yield
A very high yield is attained right from the first cut. The total yield from 1st+2nd cut is at top level - this corresponds to the main use of annual ryegrass

Vespolini is tetraploid, synonymous of high dry matter yields and highest palatability and increased rust resistance and general stress tolerance.

Top quality
Lolium sp. tillers and leaves are of the highest quality within temperate grasses, and cut or grazed before beginning of heading ensures excellent feeding quality.

Fast establishment
Vespolini is very fast to establish, reducing the time from sowing to first cut.

  • High forage quality
  • Use as main crop or stubble crop
  • Highly palatable tetraploid
  • Total dry matter yield very high


Scale 1-9, where 9 = best or most pronounced

Rust tolerance
Spring growth
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