Lolium westerwoldicum

Westerwold/annual ryegrass

Annual ryegrass allowing several cuts

Growth distribution
Caremo is a very fast growing grass but compared to most other tetraploid annual ryegrasses, the growth distribution is extended and not limited to a very big first cut.

Keep in control
With a high yield in the first two or more cuts the risk of getting overwhelmed by the production in Spring is limited and forage production secured.

Canopy height
Caremo does not grow as tall as other varieties making it suitable for mixtures with lower growing species and limiting risk of lodging. The lodging risk is also lowered by the larger yield distribution profile.

  • Two or more high yielding cuts
  • Good mixing partner
  • Excellent forage quality
  • Ploidy: Tetraploid


Scale 1-9, where 9 = best or most pronounced

Rust tolerance
Spring growth
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