Lolium perenne

Perennial ryegrass

Dark green with excellent drought recovery

Quick facts

Aspire (IS-PR 489) was developed for broad spectrum disease resistance with emphasis on gray leaf spot and helminthosporium.

Attractive dark green colour

It's a dense dark green variety that has demonstrated superior recovery to drought (2010 PR NTEP) and early spring green-up.

Adaptation & use

Aspire was developed for permanent turf-grass blends and mixtures containing improved perennial ryegrass and other grass species compatible with perennial ryegrass.

It is an excellent choice for professional overseeding programs on greens, tees and fairways either as a straight or in mixes and blends.

  • Dark green color
  • Strong drought recovery
  • Early spring greenup
  • Excellent turf quality
  • Disease resistant


Scale 1-9, where 9 = best or most pronounced

Rust tolerance
Salt tolerance
Wear tolerance
Red thread tolerance
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