Agrostis stolonifera

Creeping bent

Low input, dollar spot tolerant variety that keeps Poa annua out!

Solution for disease patches

Disease patches resulting from winter/spring disease often leaves patches slow to recover/repair.

FLAGSTICK is a solution because it is better adapted to grow together with red fescues due to the slower/less aggressive growth. This leaves a more resiliant playing surface for golf greens. Perfect in the transition to use no or less fungicides.

Dollar spot tolerance

FLAGSTICK has shown excellent dollar spot tolerance, allowing the playing surface to stay more even and smoother during the growing season.

Low input compatible

FLAGSTICK has shown good performance in higher as well as lower N fertilisation conditions, making it a good option in pure creeping bent greens as well as red fescue/creeping bent greens.


  • Excellent surface quality for putting greens
  • Lower growth/competition =
  • Suitable for mixtures with red fescue 
  • Reduced need for input
  • Superior dollar spot resistance


Scale 1-9, where 9 = best or most pronounced

Close mowing
Salt tolerance
Red thread tolerance
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